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Professor, Anthropology

John S. Henderson’s research interests center on early complex societies and how archaeology can explore the processes through which they develop. How do distinctions in status, wealth, and authority emerge within and between communities?

J. Preston Levis Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Teresa Jordan is interested in climate and hydrological history of the Atacama Desert of Chile, and on finding more environmentally benign ways to meet society's needs for energy using subsurface resources.

Administrative Assistant

Aidan Kelly is the administrative assistant for the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Rhetoric from Binghamton University.

Professor, Natural Resource Policy and Management

Barbara Knuth is interested in the social science and policy dimensions of ecosystem-based management in Great Lakes and marine systems, risk communication and management associated with chemical contaminants in fish, and environmental stewardship related to fisheries resources.

Associate Professor, Applied Economics and Management

Steven Kyle is an associate professor in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. He works in the areas of macroeconomic policy in the United States and in low-income countries.

Professor Emeritus and Graduate School Professor, Natural Resources

James P. Lassoie is interested in international conservation and sustainable development in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Canada, and the United States.

Senior Lecturer and Stephen H. Weiss Provost’s Teaching Fellow, Romance Studies

Cecelia Lawless teaches both language and literature/film courses as a senior lecturer. For several years, she was the faculty fellow for the Spanish Language House at Alice Cook.

Professor Emeritus, Applied Economics and Management 

David Lee is interested in economic development, agriculture, and the environment, including food security, sustainable agriculture, technology adoption, environmental services, climate change, and agricultural and environmental policy.

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences

Johannes Lehmann is interested in soil biogeochemistry, fertility management, organic matter, and carbon and nutrient cycling from wastes; Soil carbon sequestration and biochar systems; Sustainable agriculture in the tropics.

Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Romance Studies

Nilsa Maldonado-Mendez's interests include feminism and religion in Spanish-speaking countries, teaching Spanish to heritage speakers, history, and women writers in the Spanish-speaking Americas.