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Professor, Romance Studies

Edmundo Paz-Soldan is winner of the Bolivian National Book Award (1992 and 2003), and the Juan Rulfo Short Story Award (1997).

Outreach Manager
Professor Emerita, Animal Science
Senior Lecturer, Applied Economics and Management

Pedro David Perez is interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, ethics, active learning and the "flipped" classroom, methodologies, and case study methodology. 

LACS Graduate Fellow '24-'25

Marcos Pérez Cañizares is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History. He focuses on Colonial Latin America, and his dissertation is a spatial history of the North Pacific and the Pacific Northwest within the Spanish Empire from the 1600s to the 1810s.

Professor, Global Development

Max Pfeffer's research interests include community development, international migration, agricultural labor, rural labor markets, land use and environmental planning, and primary data collection and field research with a particular emphasis on rural/urban fringe areas in rural New York, Mexico an

Professor, Romance Studies

Simone Pinet's teaching and research focus on medieval and early modern Spanish literatures and cultures, from the thirteenth through the sixteenth centuries, especially in relation to spatiality, economics, poetics, and translation.

Associate Professor, Musicology

Steven Pond's research interests include jazz, and music of the African Diaspora. He is an active percussionist and drummer and director of Cornell’s Brazilian music group, Deixa Sambar.

Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Alison Power's research interests include the ecology and epidemiology of plant pathogens transmitted by insects; disease systems in the northeast U.S., in Central America, and in Thailand.

Professor, Maternal and Child Nutrition

Kathleen Rasmussen's research interests include studies in experimental species, observational and intervention studies in human subjects in the US and several developing countries, and epidemiologic studies based on data from medical records and large cohorts.